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The Institute of Chest Wall Surgery

Dr. Bin Cai

Resident Doctor

This is Dr. Bin Cai.

Dr. Bin Cai, M.Med. in Thoracic Surgery from Southern Medical University, is currently working at the institute of chest wall surgery(ICWS) under the guidance of Professor Wenlin Wang.

Dr. Cai is good at clinical diagnosis and treatment of various chest wall diseases, such as: chest wall deformity, chest wall tumor, chest infection and defect, etc. He has accumulatedquite a wealth of surgical experience, and has participated in more than 1,000 chest  wall surgeries, such as complex

thoracic deformity surgeries, chest wall trauma surgeries, chest wall tumor resection surgeries, and thoracic cage reconstruction surgeries.

Furthermore, he is serious and responsible for his work and patients, and is committed to providing the best quality medical services.

Dr. Bin Cai, M.Med. in Thoracic Surgery from Southern Medical University, is currently working at ICWS under the guidance of Professor Wenlin Wang, the founder of Chinese Chest Wall Surgery.


Dr. Cai is good at clinical diagnosis and treatment of various chest wall diseases, such as: chest wall deformity, chest wall tumor, chest infection and defect, etc. He has accumulatedquite a wealth of surgical experience, and has participated in more than 1,000 chest  wall surgeries, such as complex

Conditions Treated

Procedures Performed

Chest Wall Reconstruction

Education and Training

2018 - 2021—Master of Medicine

Southern Medical University

2013 - 2018—Bachelor of Medicine

Guangdong Pharmaceutical University



Bilateral correction of asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy

Wenlin Wang, Weiguang Long, Yang Liu, Bin Cai.

Journal of Surgical Case Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 8, August 2022, rjac352.

Chest wall reconstruction with digitally designed materials for straight back syndrome with tracheal stenosis: a case report

Liu Y, Wang W, Long W, Cai B, Chen C, Wang W, Guan S, Luo J, Chen K. 

Ann Transl Med. 2021 Aug;9(16):1357. 

Experience of the Wang procedure in treating pectus excavatum in two hundred fifty‐six paediatric patients

Wang W, Wang W, Long W, Chen C, Liu Y, Cai B, Luo J, Chen K.

Int Orthop. 2022 Oct;46(10):2307-2313.

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