Repair and Reconstruction of Chest Wall Defect
Medical History
The patient had breast cancer and underwent a modified mastectomy years ago. Following the surgery, she received radiation therapy, which led to radiation chest wall ulcer. Despite repeated dressing changes, the ulcers failed to heal properly, causing persistent defects in the chest wall tissues. Over these years, she has sought treatment from multiple hospitals and tried various methods, yet the chest wall defect have remained unhealed.
Preoperative Examination
There is a 7x7 cm defect in the left chest wall, with the surrounding skin exhibiting abnormal coloration and poor blood circulation.
Surgical Steps
The surgery commenced with local debridement to excise all the necrotic tissue. The MatrixRIBs were then used to reconstruct the bone structure at the site of the chest wall defect, and the skin defect was repaired using latissimus dorsi flaps. The surgery was successful and achieved satisfactory results.
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